Primary and Middle Schools
British International School Budapest
BISB is a multicultural school with the aim to help each student achieve personal and interpersonal growth. Apart from the regular learning material, they offer unique solutions to learning, such as, their own approach to STEAM or Performing Arts with Juilliard.
The school is located in the 3rd district of Budapest near Mátyáshegy. It is easily accessible from the city centre and provides a beautiful and relaxing environment for students.
Address: Budapest, Kiscelli köz 17, 1037

Britannica International Budapest
Britannica is a multicultural British style school welcoming both local and international students. They offer a high standard education and in recent years their examination scores even surpassed those of the UK average.
The school is located in the 12th disctrict in the Buda hills, so students can enjoy the natural environment and activities the nearby forest can provide.
Address: Budapest, Kakukk út 1-3, 1121

International School of Budapest
ISB is an international bilingual primary and secondary school. ISB puts high emphasis on child-centred learning through which they aim to encourage students to enjoy learning. They regurarly host theme weeks to showcase various opportunities to children and work in smaller groups so each student can have individual attention to help them learn.
The school is located in Budapest, in the Normafa region of the Buda hills, so students are surrounded by a forest where they can play around and be in nature inside the busy city.
Address: Budapest, Konkoly-Thege Miklós út 21, 1121

American International School of Budapest
AISB is a private and independent day school with an ever-expanding international population.
Not far from the city centre, AISB has a spacious and modern campus that has been referred several times as the most beautiful school campus in the world.
Address: Nagykovácsi, Nagykovácsi út 12, 2094

Further schools: