Where to stay at when coming to Hungary
Forms of transport in the city
Where to shop, different shop types
Sports opportunities in Budapest
Nurseries, kindergartens and schools
Pubs, museums and other free time activities
Film industry and movies shot in Hungary
Embassy info, emergency numbers and more
Program Guide
Current activities you should try out!
Best summer cocktail: boat, drinks and fun – Cocktail and Cruise
Which one is you: a fresh mojito, a sweet tequila sunrise or a sour gin-fizz? Take it to the upper deck and have fun while cruising in the middle of the world heritage Budapest panorama.

Budapest for Lunch – Lunch and Cruise on the Danube
Every day is good to try the best hungarian dishes along with the panorama of Budapest. Bring your friends and enjoy the sunlight on the Danube!

Vén Hajó Restaurant Gourmet Menu
The ultimate dining experience on board of the legendary steamship “Kossuth” Museumboat. Taste the XIX. Century with a twist of state-of-the-art cuisine.

What’s your poison? You’ll be addicted to Budapest – Drink&Cruise
See the world heritage Budapest architecture from the river Danube. Bring your friends – we provide the drinks and the view!

“Budapest is beautiful and amazing how secure” – Tom Hanks

“I’m simply amazed, it’s a beautiful city! After the filming’s finished, if I have time, I would love to get to know the city better.”
– Keanu Reeves

“I love Budapest. I wish I was there right now!”
– Jason Statham